Imagining Tekashi as an action figure, we designed, shot, edited, animated and produced “Elements of a Supervillain,” nine segments that run through the Showtime series. Narrated by Giancarlo Esposito, each one focuses on a factor of the Supervillain equation: Trauma, Ego, Weaponry, to name a few. This is a lab where every move is calculated with precision, a volatile mix of chemistry . . . until what is created ultimately takes control.
creative director: karin fong producers: renne robson cinematographer: jr kraus lead designer/animators: henry chang, james gardner editors: lexi gunvaldson, zach kilroy animator: merrill hall prop master: matthew eikelberger action figure designer: tim sepulveda on-set vfx supervisor: kiyoon nam hand models: rachael cohen, jessica shereshevsky design prep: kathy liang, ailis o’reilly design interns: phillip han, zach hartman colorist: beau leon, framestore production coordinators: jhake fritz, jackson kerr